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Rzecznik prasowy Nadleśnictwa Krosno
Katarzyna Miechowicz-Piłat
tel. +48 68 383 50 87 w. 69 / 530 853 228
Nadleśnictwo Krosno
ul. Krosnieńska 42
66-600 Osiecznica
NIP: 926-000-48-73
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Katarzyną Miechowicz-Piłat
tel. - 530 853 228

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The basic task of silviculture is preservation of existing forests (renewal), as well creating new ones (afforestation), with respecting nature conditions and natural processes. Within its range silviculture includes such issues as: collecting and storing tree seeds seeding, tree saplings production in the tree nursery, creation and nursery, as well as protection of forest cultivations and forest stands.

The forest, if it hadn't come into existence naturally, then it would be planted by the foresters. The saplings are cultivated in tree sapling nurseries. The cultivations are taken under nursing and protective treatments. They are to create optimum conditions for trees' growth of the most desirable ones in species composition of the growing forest stand. The last component of silviculture is forest old stand logging, due to make forest renewal possible in the optimum way for the growing tree species requirements.