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Hunting management in the Forest District Krosno is integral component of forest management.

The Forest District develops  a hunting policy based on several basic assumptions. These include: the priority of nature, environment and biological diversity protection and targets of permanently balanced forest, agricultural and fishing management. Hunting management using several dozen hunting game species acts in favour of the whole fauna and their natural habitats. On such assumption, the subject of the hunting management is population, rather than individual specimen.

The area of the Forest District is divided into 3 game shooting districts. Two districts are excluded from leasing activities  and they constitute Animal Breeding Centre of the State Forests located in the area of the Forest District Krosno, and one district is leased by  Military Hunting Association "Głuszec" from Krosno Odrzańskie.

The tasks  of the Forest District regarding hunting management include:

•       collaboration with the Hunting Association,

•       making very precise inventory,

•       giving an opinion and approving the annual plans of leased areas of game shooting districts development,

•       improving the game living conditions of through: restriction of the anxiety in biotype, protection of the refugium and ensuring the feeding base by providing the accurate number of hunting plots, implementing to forest stands certain tree and shrub species, such as: oaks, beech, willows and wild trees and fruit bushes.

The forest areas of the Forest District Krosno are the place of staying of numerous animal populations – mainly stag, deer and wild boar. The result of this fact are damages, among others, made by hunting game – mainly tapping young trees and chewing trees.

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The Forest District Krosno is located at the edges of charming and enchanting with its beauty Puszcza Rzepińska (Rzepin Primeval Forest), in the northwest of Krosno Odrzańskie, between such places as Maszewo, Cybinka, Bytnica.

The area of the Forest District located within several territories of communes, namely:Krosno Odrzańskie, Maszewo, Bytnica, Torzym, Łagów  and Cybinka , equals 21 428 ha. Natural border of our Forest District from the north  constitutes the Pliszka River, and from the south the Odra River.  Our area borders with four Forest Districts, namely Torzym from the north, Bytnica from the east, Brzózka from the south and finally Cybinka from the west.

The network of public roads is quite well developed in this region. Through the area of the Forest District territorial range, there run  two important roads, namely:

-          National Zielona Góra - Słubice road No. 29 ,

-          National Gubin - Torzym road No. 138 .

Through the area of the Forest District Krosno, there also runs the two-truck electrified railway Wrocław – Szczecin. This is the railway of the national importance, with passenger and cargo traffic.


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