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European Ecological Network Natura 2000 is a kind of system of areas connected one with each other by ecological corridors. These areas form together a coherent ecological network, of which basic task is prevention of biodiversity. It happens through protection of the most valuable and the most rare nature elements.

Nature 2000 area in Krosno Forest District

- "The Valley of Pliszka River" - total area of 3216.00 ha, 1063.52 ha in the forest district.

- "Dobrosułowskie Forests" - total area of 10538.08 ha, 9028.24 ha in the forest district

- "Devil's Pond near Radomicko" - total area of 7.30 ha, 5.08 ha in the forest district (permanent management)

- "The Valley of Middle-Odra River" - total area of 33667.80 ha, 108.56 ha in the forest district

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Ecological sites are the Romains of ecosystems that deserve protection and are of great importance for maintenance of biological diversity, f. ex. mid-forest water ponds, swamps, mosses and sites of rare plant, animal and mushroom species.

According to the register from 01.01.2002 there were 9 ecological lands on the area of Krosno Forest District of 29.94 ha. Adjustments and joining old lands and adding new ones resulted in seven ecological lands of much greater area: 50.19 ha. Four former lands were joined into "Great and Small Swamps of Gądków": Little Swamp of Gądków and Gądków Swamps I, II and III. Two new lands were founded: Ratnowskie Swamp and Crane Swamps. Currently 14 ecological lands exist. The 8th of them "Lake Moczydło Swamps" was established by the decision of Krosno Commune Council (24.08.2006). The following two, namely Ponds of River. Pliszka and Forest Sanctuary,were established in 2007. The following year witnessed the foundation of Skórzyn Sanctuary on the area of non-forest characteristic (6.01 ha). Radomicko Range and Pliszka River Range were authorised in 2009. The youngest of lands is the Devil's Pond near Radomicko of forest area of 2.41 ha.