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Forest use means usage of its resources – timber harvesting, forest ground cover harvesting, plants harvesting in whole or partly for pharmaceutical industry, obtaining young conifers, exploitation of minerals, but also significant participation of forests in restricting global warming effect. The foresters enable the society to use forest crops in a manner ensuring its continuity and sustainability.

The quantity of wood logging is determined by so called Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) covered in each forest management plan. It is the timber quantity possible to cut off in certain forest stands on the specified forest area within 10 years, that  the given forest management plan covers.

Thanks to the fact, that the cut is lower than the stand increment during the same period of time, there takes place the constant  growth of "standing timber" (in Poland there is obtained about 55 % of the stand increment). It is estimated, that affluence of Polish forests currently equals 2,049 cubic billion of wood.

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Informacja o migracji serwisu BIP jednostek organizacyjnych Państwowego Gospodarstwa

Informacja o migracji serwisu BIP jednostek organizacyjnych Państwowego Gospodarstwa

Serwis BIP jednostek organizacyjnych PGL LP jest obecnie migrowany na platformę GOV.PL/BIP. Dotychczasowy serwis BIP PGL LP dostępny jest jako zasób archiwalny pod adresem: (zasoby portalu do dnia 1.7.2021)

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