The Forest District Krosno is located at the edges of charming and enchanting with its beauty Puszcza Rzepińska (Rzepin Primeval Forest), in the northwest of Krosno Odrzańskie, between such places as Maszewo, Cybinka, Bytnica.
The area of the Forest District makes central part of the historic Ziemia Krośnieńska (Krosno Land) including the town and the nearest areas located west and north of it.
Forest district arrangement
Projects and funds
Nadleśnictwo Krosno zrealizowało projekt, którego głównym celem jest szybka lokalizacja pożarów w lasach, oraz minimalizacja skutków ich występowania.
Krosno Forest District co-operates with Landratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt (County Forest Office) from Saxony (Germany). The headquarter of the project partner Landsratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt is located in Kamenz. Further information can be found here.